
Why a good product photo means more sales?

  • 24.09.2019
The internet and digital world have transformed many aspects of our lives, but especially when it comes to shopping. Today, around a quarter of the global population buy things online, and that number is rising every year. The main reason for that is convenience, customers can make purchases with online stores 24 hours a day. But for anyone selling online, there are challenges.

While convenience among other things drives consumers to buy online, they still need to be persuaded to make their purchases from any particular store or website. If we think about physical stores, it might be the visual appearance of the display window that draws us in. Also the ability to see products and interact with them is a big part of the decision to buy.

Connecting with the product

For online sales, that ability to see a product, pick it up and examine it is not possible, and this is where product photos become so important. Good product photography not only displays the product at its best, but it gives consumers that same discovery experience. They may not be able to physically interact with the item, but high quality, clear images take them on the same journey. That means more sales, but good photography is important in other ways too.

If a physical store’s window display is a mess, poorly arranged and unprofessional, would you go into the store? Probably not. If we translate that to an online store, it is the images that visitors see that are the digital window display. If they are badly edited, have cluttered backgrounds or other problems, visitors will see that in the same way as they do a badly maintained window display, and carry on to the next store.

Maskmill can help

If you are having issues with your product photos and need some help, don’t worry, Maskmill provides an easy to use solution that will take your product photos to the next level.

Maskmill are product photo experts and skilled editors look at each area in turn, adjusting the following:

  • ✔ Orientation
  • ✔ Dust & scratch retouch
  • ✔ Clipping or masking
  • ✔ Cropping
  • ✔ New or transparent background

Because you can ask for quotations before any work is done, there are no surprises, just great value and fantastic service.

Your product images are the engine of any online business, and with Maskmill, you can turbocharge them to ensure you stay ahead of the competition.

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